Importing Parameter Table Text into Word

The parameter table information that is in a timing diagram or parameter library can be imported into Word as text or as an image. The text method allows the information to be scaled and formatted in a Word table. By importing the information this way, text that would normally be too long to display in the Parameter table column width can be formatted to display on multiple lines. The image method is discussed in Section 9.10: Printing and the Parameter Window of the WaveFormer Pro manual.

Parameter table that was created in WaveFormer Pro and imported into MS Word created.

Save the parameters from a timing diagram into a tab separated text file:

  • Open the timing diagram in the timing diagram editor.

  • Choose the ParameterLibs > Save All Parameters as Libraries menu option to open the Save As dialog.

  • Select Parameter Text (*.txt) from the Save as type: drop-down list. drop-down list.

  • Enter the name of the text file in the File name: edit box.

  • Click the Save button to save the parameter information to the file.


Import the text into a Word document and convert the text to a table:

  • Open the Word document and click the location in the file where the Parameter table will be inserted.

  • Choose the Insert > File menu option to open the Insert File dialog.

  • Select the name of the Parameter Text file that was created in the previous section.

  • Click the Insert button to insert all of the text from the file into the document.

  • Highlight all of the text that was inserted into the document.

  • Select the Table > Convert > Text to Table menu option to open the Convert Text To Table dialog.

  • In the Text to Table dialog:

    • Enter 4 in the Number of columns edit box.

    • Select the AutoFit to contents radio button.

    • Select Tabs as the separator.

    • Click the OK button to convert the text to a table and close the dialog.


The table that has been created can be scaled, edited, and formatted just like any other Word tables.

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