Product Comparison

The chart below shows a detailed comparison of the features that each SynaptiCAD product offers. Click on the name of any feature in the chart to display more information on that feature. A dash indicates that the feature is not supported in the product, LIMITED indicates partial support, and ALL indicates that the product fully supports that feature.

prod_sets gwv_main gigawave gseries gseries dsp_ole syn_tbpc vlg_form dsp_main syn_v40 gwv_main ttd_main syn_tb_diff syn_sim_feat syn_tb_diff syn_perl hpsupp syn_time_analysis syn_doc wavefom_comp syn_tb_diff vlg_form syn_sim_feat syn_tb_diff syn_perl hpsupp syn_time_analysis syn_doc dsp_ole wavefom_comp syn_doc dsp_ole wavefom_comp syn_sim_feat syn_tb_diff syn_doc dsp_ole wavefom_comp syn_sim_feat syn_tb_diff syn_doc dsp_ole wavefom_comp syn_doc dsp_ole wavefom_comp