Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

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Undo action: Will undo last action.

Redo action: Will redo the last undo something

Delete: Deletes a selected object.

Undo Delete: Undoes the last delete.

Clear Red Events: Deletes all same state transitions, which are displayed as red rectangles or spikes. Same state transitions occur when a signal segment is changed to the same state as a neighboring segment. These can also be individually deleted by selecting the transition and pressing the delete key. See Section 3.2 Group Buses.

Copy OLE Image To Clipboard w/ save copies the timing diagram to the clipboard as an OLE object for use with another OLE enhanced program (available with OLE Option for Windows). See Section 7.4 OLE- Object Linking and Embedding.

Copy OLE View To Clipboard w/ save opens a dialog that allows you to select the specific View you would like to copy as an OLE object to the clipboard (Available with OLE Option for Windows). See Section 7.4 OLE- Object Linking and Embedding and Section 7.3 Images and Word Processors.

Copy To Clipboard copies the current timing diagram to the clipboard as a bitmap. See Section 7.3 Images and Word Processors.

Select All Signals selects all signals in the active timing diagram.


Cut Text and Signals removes the selected signals or text and places it on the clipboard.

Copy Text and Signals copies the selected signals and any attached parameters or text to the clipboard. See Section 1.7 Copy Signals or Waveforms.

Paste Signals pastes the signals from the clipboard back into the drawing. See Section 1.7 Copy Signals or Waveforms.

Sort Selected Signals by Name rearranges the signals alphabetically in the diagram window.

Search and Rename allows signal names to be globally searched and replaced in the diagram based on a regular expression. When a file is imported from a simulator or logic analyzer, the signal names sometimes have extra information, like hierarchical model names, that need to be striped away before exporting to the next format. See Section 11.1 Signal Names for export and import.

Block Copy Waveforms copies sections of waveforms and paste those sections either onto (overwrite) or into (insert) any signal in the diagram. See Section 1.7: Copy Signals or Waveforms.

Edit Clock opens the Clock Properties dialog for the selected clock, the same as double clicking on the waveform.

Insert Clock Cycles inserts clock cycles to the right of the selected clock edge. See Section 2.2: Insert Clock Cycles.

Delete Clock Cycles deletes clock cycles to the left of the selected clock edge. See Section 2.2: Insert Clock Cycles.

Right-click Delete Mode, when checked, allows deleting  of objects with two mouse clicks: (1) left click to select the object, and then (2) right-click to delete the object. Also notice that the other right click mode buttons will not be active. If you make a mistake, the Edit > Undo menu options can return the diagram to its original state.


Edit Text will open the Edit Text dialog for the selected text object (same as double clicking on the text). This dialog can change the text, font, color, size, formatting, and attachment of the text object. See Section 6.1: Adding Text.

(Un)Lock Edges of Selected Signals either locks or unlocks all the edges of the signals which are selected.

Edit Waveform Edges allows you to modify all edges on a selected set of signals according to an equation you provide. See Section 1.6 Shifting, Clearing, and Moving Edges.