Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

11.9 ALTERA Max Plus II Simulator - Export

11.9 ALTERA Max Plus II Simulator - Export

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11.9 ALTERA Max Plus II Simulator - Export

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ALTERA Vector Format (*.vec) saves waveforms to a format used by the Altera Max PlusII simulator. It is a clocked format.

Rules for the Atera Vector Format Files:

The timing diagram must have at least one clock and one or more signals with waveforms.

All signals are sampled at time 0 and on each rising edge of the sample clock. The end of the diagram is determined by the latest time of any drawn signal or an End Diagram Marker. If a signal ends early, its last state value is used until the end of the timing diagram.

You may want to select the signal that you want to be the clocking signal (See 11.3 Export General Instructions: Set Clocking Signals).

Draw single bit signals using high, low, and invalid segments. Draw multi-bit signals with valid segments with virtual data that translates into high and low values.

The following table describes how signals are translated into Altera Stimulus files:

WaveFormer Signals

Altera Stimulus

SIG_DRIVING is a single bit signal with direction of out


SIG_RESULT is a single bit signal with direction of input


ticket[3:0] is a 4 bit signal with direction of out

GROUP CREATE ticket[3..0] = ticket3 ticket2 ticket1 ticket0;

To use an altera vec file:

1) Inside Max PlusII, select the Max+plusII\Simulator menu to open the Simulator dialog.

2) Double-click on the file listed as the Simulation Input: *.scf to open the Inputs Outputs dialog.

3) Enter the name of the vec file that you generated with WaveFormer Pro into the Input (.scf or .vec) edit box, and press the OK button to close the Inputs Outputs dialog.

4) Click the Start button in the Simulator dialog. This performs a simulation and creates an SCF file. The SCF file is the graphical waveform representation used by Altera. From inside Altera's Waveform editor you can add nodes(signals) to view buried and output waveforms.

5) Note: The second time you simulate, the Max Plus II simulator is going to use the *.scf file it created from the first simulation. You must explicitly choose the vec file each time you make waveform changes using WaveFormer.