Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

11.8 Agilent and HP file transfer instructions

11.8 Agilent and HP file transfer instructions

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11.8 Agilent and HP file transfer instructions

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How you transfer files to and from the your HP system will depend on the system and how your network is configured. The following sections describe methods that have worked for us, and may not represent the most efficient transfer methods for your system.

HP16700 timing analysis system to another computer

We have used two different methods to transfer files from the HP16700 timing analysis system.

Using a diskette:

From the window titled 16700A Logic Analysis System, click on the button labeled File Manager to open the file open dialog.

Navigate to the directory your file is in and then select it by clicking on it.

Select the File > Copy menu option to open a dialog that prompts you for the destination.

Click on the button to the right of Current Disk to select the Flexible Disk option. Fill in the remaining information and click OK.

Using the network:

From the window titled 16700A Logic Analysis System, click on the button labeled System Administration to open the System Administration Tools dialog.

Click on the button labeled FTP to open the IP Address message box.

Type in the IP address of the system you want to transfer the files to. This system must have an FTP server running on it.

Click OK to close the message box and open the Terminal dialog.

From the HP 16700 terminal window, log in to your ftp site (server) as you normally would.

Use the standard commands put filename to transfer a file to the site, or get filename to transfer a file from the site to your HP unit.

HP1660/1670 series logic analyzers to another computer

The HP1660/1670 logic analyzers can transfer files either by using a diskette or by using the network connection. Use the following procedure to transfer files using a floppy disk:

Press the System button on the logic analyzer. This brings up a window showing how your logic analyzer is connected to the outside.

Click on the External I/O button and select Hard Disk. You will get a listing of the files on the hard disk.

To copy a file from the hard disk to a floppy disk: edit the blue dialog boxes to resemble the figure below, then click the Execute button to copy the file.