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5.6 HDL Code Markers

5.6 HDL Code Markers

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5.6 HDL Code Markers

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HDL code markers are used to make calculations and execute code that is not easy to represent graphically. HDL code markers have a limited amount of space for typing, so it is usually just used to type in the name of a function to call. The code box accepts direct HDL code in the transaction generation language. You can make calls to class methods (Section 6.3: Class Methods), library subroutines (Section 9.4: Libraries and Use Clauses), or insert any code that is valid within the context of a process (VHDL), an always block (Verilog), or a method (TestBuilder).

To add an HDL Code marker:

Add a marker to the diagram and double-click on the marker to open the Edit Time Marker dialog.

Choose HDL Code from the Type box.

Then either type in the source code into the HDL Code box.


Press the > button and select <Edit HDL Source...> from the menu to enter multiple lines of source code.
