Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

7.2 Zoom, Scroll, Search

7.2 Zoom, Scroll, Search

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7.2 Zoom, Scroll, Search

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Besides the normal scrolling and zooming functions, the timing diagram editor can quickly scroll to a specific time or signal, and zoom over a specific range.

Zoom using buttons or the mouse

To zoom in and out quickly, hold down the <Shift> key while using the scroll wheel on your mouse.

<Shift> and mouse scroll wheel

To zoom in over a visible section, drag and drop inside the Time Line.


The zoom buttons on the diagram window button bar and in the View menu.

The zoom in (+) and zoom out (-) center the zoom on the selected item, the blue delta mark, or the center of the diagram in that order.


The zoom full (F) displays the entire timing diagram on the screen.

The zoom range (R) opens a dialog that lets you specify the starting and ending times for the zoom.

Scroll to a specific or relative time using the Time or Delta buttons:

Press on either the Time or the Delta button to open an edit box, and type in a time. The Time button (black) causes the diagram window to scroll to that exact time. The Delta button (blue) causes the diagram window to scroll that amount from its current position.


Search for a specific signal name, parameter name or string:

Select one of the child windows in the program, then type into the Search box on the main window bar.


If the Diagram window is selected, then it will search for signal names.

If a waveform edge is selected in Waveform window, then it will search for a signal value that matches the search string. The search will begin with the signal and edge that is selected and continue from left to right and down the page until a match is found.

If the Parameter window is selected, then it will search for parameter names.

If the Report window is selected, then it will search for random text in the selected report tab.