Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

10.4 Merging Diagrams

10.4 Merging Diagrams

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10.4 Merging Diagrams

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You can merge waveforms and parameters from another diagram into the currently active timing diagram. If the two diagrams each have a parameter with the same name but different properties (min, max, margin, comment) or a different type (delay, setup, hold), then a dialog will open so that you can resolve the conflict. This dialog will also open if a conflict occurs during a Search and Rename Parameter operation (see Section 5.6 Parameter Window). The Options menu also contains a properties dialog that specifies how signals are merged into the diagram and how parameter conflicts can be automatically fixed.

Merging Diagrams:

Open the timing diagram that will hold all of the merged signals, using File > Open Timing Diagram menu.

Select File > Merge Timing Diagram menu and choose the second timing diagram file. This will copy the entire diagram and paste it into the first diagram. If duplicate parameters are detected, then see below for resolving the conflicts. The merging diagram's library parameters are not available, so perform that steps in 10.5 Self-Contained Timing Diagrams to copy the library parameters into the diagram before merging.

Resolving Duplicate Parameters on a diagram merge or parameter rename:

The Duplicated Parameter Names dialog opens when a name or type conflict is found during a diagram merge or a parameter Search and Rename operation. Conflicts can be resolved by either renaming to create a new parameter or by converting to an existing parameter. If this dialog does not open on conflicts, then the Merge property Prompt on Parameter Name Duplication may be disabled (see next subtopic).

The Status box gives updated information on each parameter merge and rename operation and whether it was successful, so keep checking this after you attempt to resolve conflicts.


The Duplicate Names Tab shows parameters that have the same name and type, but differ only in properties like min or max times.


The Conflicting Types Tab shows parameters that have the same name but different parameter types (e.g. one is a delay and one is a hold).

One way to resolve a conflict is to change the name of the parameter. Double click on the parameter name to open an edit box. The unresolved parameters list contains the parameters from either the diagram specified in the File Merge operation, or the parameter which is being renamed. The existing parameters list contains parameters from the original diagram or which are not being renamed.

All the unresolved parameters can be renamed as a group by pressing the Add Prefix button. This inserts the specified prefixed in front of all the unresolved parameter names.

The Existing Parameters and Libraries List contains the current diagram's parameters and libraries, and the merging diagram's parameters that have unique names or have been successfully merged or renamed. The merging diagram's library parameters are not available, so perform that steps in 10.5 Self-Contained Timing Diagrams before merging.


Another way to resolve a conflict is to convert the parameter being merged into a parameter that exists in the diagram. The merged parameter will lose its properties and take the properties of the existing parameter. To convert one parameter, select it in the existing list and press the Convert button.


With the Auto Recheck option enabled, any changes to the unresolved parameter names are immediately checked against the existing parameter name and merged, if the check is successful. This does not check name changes made to existing parameters, so use the Recheck All Names button to check these changes.


If you press Close button before all the conflicts have been resolved, the program will attempt to preserve the data by changing the unresolved parameter names.

Merging Properties

The Diagram Merge Properties dialog controls how signals are grouped after the merging of two diagrams. It also controls how duplicate parameter errors are handled.

Choose the Options > Diagram Merge Properties to option the dialog


When Interleave Signals on Merge is enabled, signals with identical names will be grouped together after a merge operation.

If Prompt on Parameter Name Duplication is enabled, then the Duplicated Parameter Names dialog will open when a name or type conflict is found during a diagram merge operation. If it is unchecked, then the program will automatically fix duplicate parameters using the two settings below the control. This function is always disabled during a batch merge.


If Convert to an instance of a library parameter"is enabled, the merging diagram's parameters will take the values of any matching parameters from the current diagram's libraries. If unchecked, the duplicated parameters will get the stated prefix.

During an automated merge, duplicate parameters in the merging diagram will be renamed by adding the specified prefix string to the parameter name.