Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

10.5 Self-Contained Timing Diagrams

10.5 Self-Contained Timing Diagrams

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10.5 Self-Contained Timing Diagrams

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During the design process, projects usually reference free parameters contained in parameter libraries. But when it is time to archive the timing diagrams, it is inconvenient to have to carry around all the libraries with your diagrams. Also you may not want the parameters updated in the timing diagram, if at a later time the libraries are updated. In these cases it is generally preferable to copy all the library parameters that are referenced into the timing diagram itself. That way the BTIM file contains all the free parameters it needs to draw itself.

Copy Library Parameters into the timing diagram to make a self-contained project:

Select the ParameterLibs > Copy Referenced Library Parameters into Table menu to copies every library free parameter that is referenced into the timing parameter table.

A message will appear asking if you want to hide the free parameters when you copy them into the diagram.

Also if you are planning to move your timing diagram, then you should empty the parameter library list to insure that the program will not attempt to read library files not available at the new location (see section 10.1 Adding Libraries). If you are not moving your timing diagra, then leaving the library list intact will not affect the diagram because parameters in the project take precedence over those in the libraries.

Merge an entire Library into the timing diagram to make a self-contained project:

When a library is merged into a timing diagram, all the free parameters in the library are copied into the parameter table of the diagram. During the merge process, library free parameters take precedence over diagram free parameters of the same name (the library data overwrites the diagram data if there is a conflict).

Open the timing diagram file, then select the File > Merge Timing Diagram menu option to open the File dialog. See Section 10.4 Merging Diagrams for more information on resolving parameter name conflicts that might occur during the merge.

Select the name of the library file and choose OK.

Note: Merging should be only be used with small libraries, because the parameters fill up the parameter table and make things hard to find. Parameters in the Parameter window can be hidden by selecting the parameter and choosing the View > Hide Selected Parameter Row menu.

Update all parameters with data from every library in the library list:

Normally, free parameters inside a project take precedence over free parameters in libraries specified in the Library List. Sometimes it is necessary to update free parameters in a project with the data contained in a Library.

Select the ParameterLibs > Update Parameter Table from Parameter Libraries menu to replace the timing data of free parameters in the project with data from library free parameters of the same name.

Update a specific free parameter with data from a certain library:

Select the ParameterLibs > View Parameter Library Parts men to open the View Parameter Library Parts dialog.

Select a specific parameter to update, and then press the Insert into Table button.