TestBencher works with the simulators that are listed below. See Step 7: Setup External Simulators to setup the program to work with the external simulator.
Windows simulators and languages:
Verilog-XL: Verilog and TestBuilder/Verilog.
VeriLogger command line: Verilog and TestBuilder/Verilog.
ModelSim command line: Verilog, VHDL, and TestBuilder/Verilog. (TestBencher cannot display simulation waveforms when ModelSim VHDL XE/PE is used.)
ModelSim GUI: Verilog, VHDL, and TestBuilder/Verilog.
NC Verilog: Verilog and TestBuilder/Verilog
Active-HDL: Verilog, VHDL, TestBuilder/Verilog and TestBuilder/VHDL
Solaris UNIX simulators and languages:
Verilog-XL: Verilog and TestBuilder/Verilog.
VeriLogger command line: Verilog and TestBuilder/Verilog.
ModelSim command line: Verilog, VHDL, and TestBuilder/Verilog.
ModelSim GUI: Verilog, VHDL and TestBuilder/Verilog.
VCS: Verilog and TestBuilder/Verilog.
NC Verilog: Verilog and TestBuilder/Verilog.
If TestBencher is running under Windows, VCS must be run on a different computer (running UNIX); Verilog-XL, NC Verilog, and NC VHDL can be run on the same computer as TestBencher or on a different computer (running UNIX). ModelSim (both versions) and the command-line version of VeriLogger can only be run on the computer running TestBencher.
If TestBencher is running under UNIX, all integrated simulators must be run on the computer that is running TestBencher.