TestBencher Pro and Reactive Test Bench Help

Step 9: Learning more about TestBencher Pro

Step 9: Learning more about TestBencher Pro

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Step 9: Learning more about TestBencher Pro

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The quickest way to learn how to use TestBencher Pro is to work through the following:

Perform the Test Bencher Pro Basic Tutorial which can be reached using the Help > Tutorials menu function. You will perform the above steps to create a transaction-level model for an SRAM model and simulate the results.

Look through the SynaptiCAD > Examples > TestBencher directory to see several test bench examples ranging from simple test benches to PCI and ARM bus examples. These are also described in Chapter 10: Test Bench Techniques and Examples.

Read through the rest of the manual (especially the chapter beginnings) so that you get an idea of some of the advanced features that are available to help you construct your models such as: constrained random number generation, loops in test benches, generating code from samples, and controlling execution.

In addition, the Timing Diagram Editors Manual covers the drawing features of the editing environment, and the BugHunter and VeriLogger Manual covers setting up your simulator with TestBencher Pro and the simulation debugging features of the tool.