VHDL Supported and Unsupported Constructs
The following is a comprehensive list of VHDL constructs translated by VHDL2Verilog.
Entity Declaration
•Design with a single entity with architecture
•Entity ports: IN , OUT , INOUT , BUFFER , LINKAGE
•Interface element types:
Not supported:
•Interface element types:
•Design with no architecture
•Entity statements
Architecture Declaration
•Multiple architectures for single entity declaration
•(Simple) Configuration declaration
Not supported:
•Design with an architecture and no entity
•Configuration specification
Packages and Package Bodies
•Signal, Variable, Constant declaration
•Type declaration
•Subtype declaration
•Enumerated type declaration
•Component declaration
•Subprogram declaration
•Subprogram body (requires additional manual translation)
NOTE: Packages are translated only when used in a design!
Data Types
•Signals/Variables/Constants of BASE subtype:
•alias declarations
•Signal/Variable initialization
•to bit
•to vector
•to hex
•Subtype declarations with range constraint
Limited Support: 2D arrays of supported types
•1D arrays of supported types equivalent to arrays of bits up to 2D
•NOTE: for the above two cases, array types have to be CONSTRAINED.
•Enumerated type declaration
•Signal of enumerated type (state variable) translated to reg
•Enumerated types declared in a:
•Time types
•Record types
•Based literals (only base 2, 8, 10, 16)
Not supported:
•Unconstrained types
•Generics of base type as described in Data Types with default expression
Not supported:
•Generics without default expression
•Expressions using signal and variables of types described in Data Types.
•Expressions with all VHDL supported operators:
•+, -, &
•unary + and -
•=, /=, <, >, <=, >=
•** (power) operator (Only when used in a GENERATE statement)
•Qualified expressions
•Type conversions
•Function calls
•Aggregate primaries in an expression
Not supported:
•* * (power) operator (Except in generates)
•Allocator primaries
Sequential Statements
•Wait statement (only in a process sequential body)
•Signal assignment
•with INERTIAL delay
•with TRANSPORT delay
•NULL assignment
•Variable assignment
•Assignment to an aggregate
•If statement
•Case statement
•Loop statement (FOR WHILE)
•Null statement
•ASSERT statement
•Procedure call statement
Not supported:
•REPORT statement
•NEXT statement
•EXIT statement
•RETURN statement
Concurrent Statements
•Block statements
•Process statements
•Conditional signal assignments
•Selected signal assignments
•Component instantiation statements
•Generate statements
Not supported:
•Concurrent procedure calls
•Concurrent assertion statements
•Guarded signal assignments
Block statements
•Declarative part:
•Type declaration
•Subtype declaration
•Constant declaration
•Signal declaration
•File declaration
•Component declaration
•Use clause (package)
•Statement part
•nested Blocks
•Concurrent assignment
•Component instantiation
Not supported:
•Ports and port maps
•Generics and generic maps
•Guard expressions
Process Statement
•Process variable declaration
•Process with sensitivity list
•Process without sensitivity list
•Process with a WAIT as the first or last sequential statement
•Process with an infinite wait at the end of a sequential body
•Process with a WAIT UNTIL at any place in the sequential body
•Edge-sensitive processes equivalent to Dffs
•Dffs with/without reset
•rising/falling_edge function
•'EVENT attribute
•'STABLE attribute
Concurrent Signal Assignments
•Concurrent assignment with delay
•Concurrent assignment to an aggregate
•Concurrent assignment to a target with simple expressions in the range NOTE: in Verilog, the expressions have to be CONSTANT
•Conditional assignment
•Selected signal assignment
Not supported:
•Multiple waveform elements in a concurrent signal assignment
Component Instantiations
•Generic Maps
•Generic mapping by ordered list
•Generic mapping by using formals and actuals
•Port Maps
•Port mapping by ordered list
•Port mapping by using formals and actuals
•Port aspect of component declaration different from the entity
•Scalar and vector OPENs
•2D arrays as ports
•Instantiation of components residing in the same file
•Instantiation of components residing in a package
Generate Statement
•IF generate
•FOR loop generate
•Nested generates (FOR/IF)
•Identical labels in generate block and in block enclosing generate
•Component instantiations in generates
•Concurrent assignments in generates
•Processes in generates: regular, edge-sensitive (DFF-style)
Not supported:
•Declarations local to generate (block declarative items)
•Generates with loop parameters dependent on generics
Predefined Language Environment
•NOW function
•Time type
Not supported:
•Other attributes