Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

8.6 Importing SPICE waveforms

8.6 Importing SPICE waveforms

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8.6 Importing SPICE waveforms

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The time-based waveform results of SPICE transient simulation runs (*.csd) can be imported into WaveFormer. It also supports import of binary TR0 files generated by HSPICE and OmegaSim. When signals are imported from a SPICE simulation, all of the values are read in as real values. The 'Analog Display' checkbox is checked by default for imported signals so that they display as analog waveforms. The logic high and low voltages in the Analog Properties dialog box are calculated automatically for waveforms loaded from .csd files (these initial voltage settings can be overridden if desired).

To Import SPICE Waveforms:

Select the Import/Export > Import Timing Diagram From menu to open the Open dialog.

Select the SPICE (*.csd, *.tr0) option from the Files of Type box, enter the file name, and press Open to import the file.


Converting an Analog Waveform into a Digital Waveform:

In the Signal Properties dialog press the Analog Props button to open the Analog Properties dialgo.

Pressing the Digitize Single Bit Signals button creates a new digital single by digitizing the analog signal. Values above the logic high threshold are set to 1, values below the logic low threshold are set to 0, and values between display as uncertainty regions.
