Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

12.4 Copy and Paste for Edit Boxes

12.4 Copy and Paste for Edit Boxes

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12.4 Copy and Paste for Edit Boxes

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All of the edit boxes in the dialogs support the standard Windows Copy, Cut, and Paste keystroke commands. This feature is also supported in the Linux and UNIX versions of the product.

Copy or Cut & Paste Key Strokes:

Select the text to copy, then press the CTRL key and the C key at the same time to copy the text into the edit buffer.


To cut text (remove it and copy it to the buffer), select the text and press the CTRL key and the X key at the same time.


To paste text from the edit buffer, click into the edit box at  the desired insertion point so that the edit cursor is blinking. Then press the CTRL key and the V key at the same time.

If text is selected during the paste then the selected text will be overwritten by the pasted text from the edit buffer.