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6.4 Class Libraries

6.4 Class Libraries

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6.4 Class Libraries

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Class Libraries are used to store classes and their constraints. Class Libraries can be defined and shared between projects. Each project also creates a default library, which is named after the project and stored in the project directory. This default library is independent and can be included in other projects.

To create, edit, add, or remove a Class Library use the Classes and Variables dialog:

All of the class libraries for a project are listed in the Class Library List folder in the Project window. All of the class libraries for a particular project share the same scope, so the class names must be unique for a particular project. For example, if two libraries contain a class named ATMCell, they cannot be added to the same project. TestBencher will check for this each time you add a class or add a library, and warn you about any ambiguities.

Open the Classes and Variables dialog by either:

Double clicking on a library in the Class Library List folder, in the Project window.

OR if no projects are open choose the Project > Classes and Variables menu.

Note that whether or not a project is open, modifying a class library will affect any project that includes the library.


Use the buttons in the Library section to create, edit, add or remove libraries.


By default, the Class Definitions and Variables dialog is displayed in a language independent view. This means that options may be shown that are not available for the currently selected language. This is provided because class definitions are language independent and can be shared between projects. A language specific view is available for the currently selected language.Enable the Only view options available for <Language> checkbox for the language dependent view. Disable the checkbox for the language independent view.