Simxlib is a command-line utility program that enables viewing and editing the contents of symbolic libraries (compiled libraries). Either Simxlib or BugHunter must be used to create any symbolic library other than the work library. For example, if you wish to write a batch script that creates a common symbolic library to store compiled source code that is used by multiple design projects, you can use simxlib to create the physical library and specify the symbolic name for that library.
Simxlib can perform the following library operations:
•Create physical libraries (physical representation of a compiled HDL library on disk) •Delete physical libraries •Map an existing physical library to one or more symbolic library names •Unmap symbolic libraries •List all symbolic to physical library mappings defined in a mapping file |
Library Mapping Files
Simxlib reads/modifies a 'mapping file' (text file) as it performs the above operations. Mapping files are text files used by simx to map from the logical names of libraries to their physical path locations during design elaboration. Library mappings and include statements can also be manually added to mapping files using a text editor.
Simxlib operates only on a mapping file explicitly-specified using the --map_file option or the implicitly-specified scd.lib file located in the current working directory. If the specified mapping file doesn't exist, it is created when any option is passed to simxlib that requires writing to the mapping file. Only a mapping file directly passed via the command line (or the implicit scd.lib file if no mapping file is specified) can be potentially modified. Mapping files referenced by INCLUDE/SOFTINCLUDE statements are always opened in real-only mode by simxlib.
Simxlib has the following command line options:
-f <filename>
This allows options to be passed to simxlib from inside a text file (like in simx and simxloader).
--map_file <path>
Specifies a path to a mapping file to be read/modified by simxlib. If the specified mapping file doesn't already exist, simxlib will create it. If this option is omitted, simxlib will use scd.lib as the name of the mapping file.
--map (-m) <symbolicName> <path>
Creates a symbolic library name that maps to a physical library located at 'path'. Any existing library mapping having the same symbolic library name will be replaced by the new mapping. If there is no physical library at the given path location, a warning will be printed and the mapping will be skipped.
--unmap (-u) <symbolicName>
Removes the library mapping associated with the specified symbolic library. If no mapping exists, a warning is printed.
--create (-c) <path>
Creates a new physical library and creates a library mapping with the symbolic library name taken from the last part of the physical library path.
--delete (-d) <path>
Physically removes (erases from disk) the specified physical library. All library mappings leading to the physical library are removed too.
--list (-l)
Prints all mappings defined in the specified mapping file (and in files included by this mapping file).
--dump [library_name]
Dump library_name contents to the console. If no symbolic library name is specified, the contents of the default work library will be displayed. To work properly, make sure this is the last option passed to simxlib.
--help (-h)
Displays command-line options for simxlib.