Timing Diagram Editing and Analysis

5.5 Hiding Parameters

5.5 Hiding Parameters

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5.5 Hiding Parameters

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Hiding a parameter removes that parameter from the screen, but not from the project. Delays, setups, and holds will continue to function, but timing errors will be shown only in the parameter window.

Hide selected parameters:

Select the parameter and choose the View > Hide Selected Parameter menu. You can select multiple parameters by pushing the <CTRL> key while clicking the left mouse button.

An alternate method is to check the Hide box in the Properties dialog.


To show a hidden parameter, choose the View > Show Hidden Parameter menu option to open a dialog, then select the parameters to show from the list. If a parameter is attached to a hidden signal, it will continue to stay hidden until the signal is shown.


Hide all parameters on a selected signal:

Select one or more signal names, then right click and choose either Hide Parameters on Selected Signal(s) or Show parameters on Selected Signal(s) menu context menu.

Hide all parameters of a particular type:

Selectively hide all delays, setups, holds, samples, or text by un-checking the View > Show parameter type menu.

Use Filters to Hide Parameters:

Choose the View > Filter Parameters menu to open the Parameter Filter dialog. This is a modeless dialog that can be left open while you work with the diagram.

Choose either the Show Only or the Hide radio button to determine how the filter patterns act.

Enter a filter pattern in to the Pattern edit box. For example, the pattern D would match parameters named D0 and D1. Press the Add button to activate the pattern. Turn patterns on and off using the those buttons.
